


Dear Brothers/Sister, 

Who can count the value of a soul? An immortal soul is beyond all prices. In terms of money, one soul has more value than the wealth of the whole world. In terms of suffering, it is better that all the people of the world would suffer all their lives on earth, if by their suffering one soul could be saved.

There is no trouble too great, no humiliation too deep, no suffering too severe, no love too strong, no labour too hard, and no expense too large, but that is worth it, if it is spent in the effort to win a soul.

If Christians would only realize the value and immortality of a soul, and the shortness of this earthly life, they would work feverishly, unceasingly, with all their greatest energy, day after day, year after year that they might save one.  

You are invited to this sacrificial task of spreading the real light and love of God among the Unreached people groups. Your whole hearted participation and prayers are requested.

We enjoy healthy food; beautiful clothes, protective dwellings and nice provision, but many people have never experienced such goodness for single moment. Shall we not uphold them by our sacrificial giving ?

We appeal to you to be involved in our ministry, in winning souls, and to do all the good we can…by all means we can…in all the ways we can…in all the places we can…at all the times we can…to all the people we can…as long as we ever can…that none perish.

As you sow your seed in this mission, remember we will also share in the eternal reward of every soul this ministry touches with the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ. Together, we can make a difference in the harvest fields.

Thank you and God bless you for your prayerful consideration of being a part of this great challenge which will make an eternal difference in the lives of needy people. 
“Let us not now grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap…Therefore as we have the opportunity , let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith…” (Gal 6:9&10)

Working with you for His kingdom,

Pastor Daniel. Founder and President PATMOS MINISTRIES.